Nail care

Your nail problems can be resolved in other ways besides manicures. Instead, your nails require routine care and attention. Here are some helpful nail care advice and tips. Read on to learn the 10 tricks and techniques for keeping beautiful nails. To learn more, scroll down!

Best Nail Care Advice And Techniques


1.Maintain Clean, Dry Fingernails

All issues begin with bacteria and germs. Make sure there is no chance for them to reproduce. Regularly clean your nails, and after washing, be sure to let them air dry.
Additionally, it stops bacteria and debris from growing under your nails. Don't go overboard, though; leaving your nails in water for an extended period of time might cause splits.

It is important to use gloves to protect your fingernails when washing dishes. Make sure the skin surrounding the nails is likewise clean and free of dirt.

What we advise is that you take a toothbrush, sprinkle some salt on it, and gently scrub your nails and the skin surrounding them.

2.Stop biting your nails

A lot of harm results from biting your nails. In addition to giving your nails a pitiful appearance, the saliva contact weakens and brittlenes them. Your cuticles also suffer damage. Furthermore, putting your fingers in your mouth allows dirt and bacteria to enter your mouth.

To help you stop chewing your nails, we suggest using a nail paint that smells unpleasant and repels you.

3.Your Cuticles Can Be Tamed

Because they are so sensitive, cuticles are readily ruptured. One of the most important aspects of nail care is cuticle care.
Trim any dangling skin or nails gently so that they don't protrude or cause you further discomfort. Avoid biting or picking at the cuticles.

Make sure to moisturise your cuticles by massaging coconut or almond oil into them to hydrate and nurture them.

4.Maintain hygiene

Regularly clean your nails, and make sure to wash and sterilise all of your nail care equipment. Make sure your nails don't get too long because it makes it easy for dirt to collect beneath the nails.Apply natural disinfectants to your nails, such as tea tree oil, to keep bacteria at bay and guard against infections.

5. Apply Moisturizer

Nails can suffer from dryness and flakiness much like skin can. A nail can easily break off since it is so sensitive. Make them strong by moisturising them.

You can select from a variety of hand creams, cuticle oil/creams, or moisturising oils to help keep your nails and cuticles bright and healthy.

6. Regularly trim

Your nails benefit from routine trimming in the same way that your hair does, which is beneficial for both of them. Cut them precisely with a nail cutter. Every few weeks, set aside some time to trim and shape your nails whatever you desire. It is preferable to trim your nails straight across before rounding or square-off the tips.

7. Use A Base Coat For Protection.

Your skin is covered in a shielding layer called a base coat that keeps your skin from fading and stains from getting on your nails.

It improves the way the polish appears on your nails. The colour of your nail polish will be enhanced if you apply it thickly to your nails. Therefore, the next time you decide to paint your nails, do not skip putting a base coat because it is worthwhile.

8. Finish Off With a Top Coat

Your nail colour will stay on longer with a top coat. Your nails will appear more polished and won't be as likely to chip. Depending on the aesthetic you want to achieve, there are a variety of top coats to pick from. For example, if you want a matte finish, select a matte top coat.

To keep your manicure on longer, a helpful nail tip is to apply a top coat to your nails every couple of days.

9. You Should Never Scratch Off Your Nail Polish

The very worst thing you can do to your nails is scrape off your nail polish. Your nail's surface becomes uneven and scuffed as a result. The top layer of your nails is also removed by this process.

Additionally, instead of covering the nails in a single thick coating of colour, you must apply the nail paint in two rounds of thin coats to prevent the polish from peeling off on its own.

Carrying a couple nail polish remover tissues will prevent you from hastily scraping off your nail polish to avoid the cracked nail polish look.

10. Put on gloves for protection.

This is for you if you clean your house by yourself. Many of the cleaning detergents you use have chemicals in them that might hurt your nails if they come in contact with them.

Wearing gloves is an easy fix, allowing you to comfortably complete your chores without worrying about chipped nails. After using your gloves, make sure to completely wash them and then dry them outside in the sun to sterilise them.

11. Don't Use Gel or Acrylics

Gel and acrylic nail treatments are indeed very attractive, but they also harm the nails severely. If at all possible, stay away from them.

The nails become rough and dented as a result of the acrylic powder's heavy chemical content. The skin around your nails is damaged by the gel manicure's drying process.

If you are set on this particular nail style, a better alternative would be to purchase press-on ones since they are less hazardous and simpler to use.

12. Arrange your nails in a single direction.

Move-in a single direction while moving gently and slowly. Otherwise, the nails become brittle and crack too soon.

Filing in the same direction also aids in producing a smooth tip and makes it simpler for you to shape the tip however you desire. Aggressively filing them blunts your tips and eliminates any shaping potential.

File from one corner to the center, then from the center to the other edge, or the opposite. Your nail beds won't be damaged by this method, which helps you achieve a smooth finish.

13 Stop Using Water for Manicures 

Avoid water-based manicures since the lacquer tends to wear off more quickly. When submerged in water, your nail bed absorbs the water, swells, and returns to its previous shape after removal.

It's not a good idea to apply nail polish while the nail bed is expanding because as it contracts, the paint will split and chip.

Instead, go for an oil-based manicure, in which a cleansing oil-based solution is used to clean your nails and nail beds.

15. Buff Instead Of Color

A natural appearance is attractive every day. Buff your nails rather than painting them, which still involves the application of chemicals to your nails even if you select the most natural brands on the market.

Buffering raises the nails and gives them gloss. To prevent ruining the texture of your nails, it is imperative that you keep in mind to buff gently and infrequently.

14. Don't use a harsh polish 

When choosing a nail paint, you must be quite cautious. They harm your nails and the skin around them if they contain parabens and sulphates.

Additionally, it is not a good idea to eat with painted nails since little pieces of the paint could chip off and go into your food, eventually making their way inside your body and posing a health risk. Choose natural nail polish instead that is devoid of chemicals, cruelty, and is good for the environment.

15.Buff Rather Than Color

A natural appearance is attractive every day. Buff your nails rather than painting them, which still involves the application of chemicals to your nails even if you select the most natural brands on the market.

Buffering raises the nails and gives them gloss. To prevent ruining the texture of your nails, it is imperative that you keep in mind to buff gently and infrequently.

16. Utilize A Cuticle Softer To Prevent Brittle Nails

Good nail care is a must. To maintain their strength and health, give them regular nutritious treatments.

To dry them with a fresh towel after soaking them in salt water for a short while is one method. Do this two to three times each week for nails that look healthy. nourishing your nails after the treatment by using a cuticle softener.

17. How to Extend the Life of Your Nail Polish

For that, there are a number of actions you must take. First, use vinegar to clean your nails. Apply a base coat after soaking them in water. Apply a topcoat, two coats of nail polish, and let them to air dry.

To prevent the paint from drying out and chipping off, you should reapply the top coat every few days. In that scenario, file off the chipped nail and re-seal it with top coat. To repair your cracked nail, you can even add a thin coat of white polish (a la French manicure).

18. Trim Your Nails Straight across

To prevent ingrowth, trim your nails equally. Do not allow your nails to grow out excessively. For a tidy appearance, maintain them level and even at all times.

Too long nails result in long, curved nails that can break skin and rip cuticles. It is best to trim them short and round the points.

19. Pick A Reliable Remover

Select nail polish removers from reputable, environmentally friendly brands that contain less chemicals.

20. Try Natural Nail-Strengthening Treatments

You can choose from a variety of nail-strengthening conditioning procedures. It is wise to use conditioners with CF formulations. Your nails become hydrated, fed, and strengthened as a result. well 

Eating well solves all problems. A poor diet contributes to nail disorders, and deficiencies in calcium are the cause of problems like brittle nails. It must be present in your diet in sufficient proportions.

For stronger, healthier nails, increase your intake of vitamin E, protein, iron, vitamin D, zinc, and magnesium through foods like almonds, beets, soy, beans, lentils, whole grains, and greens.

22.Avoid using nail hardeners.

Yes, stay away from nail hardeners because they are high in formaldehyde and can split your nails and weaken them.

23. Avoid Acetone at All Costs

Always pick a nail polish remover without acetone. Acetone is incredibly harmful to your skin and nails and is abrasive. Your nails get brittle and dried out as a result.

24 Avoid using rough Emery boards.

Choose an emery board that is not overly gritty and rough. Pick one with a smooth texture that won't irritate your nails and is polished well enough to get the job done.

25. Remove extra polish from the cuticles

While painting your nails, your cuticles are certain to pick up some color. To give your manicure a cleaner look, clean it up with nail paint remover. Gently remove the paint from the cuticles by dipping an ear bud in nail polish remover.

The conclusion

The same principles that apply to skin and hair care also apply to nail care. Even if you have professional manicures and pedicures, you need still take the time to look after and shield your nails. If you employ the proper strategy, maintaining healthy nails may be simpler. If you follow these recommendations for maintaining healthy nails, you can arrive sooner. To build stronger, healthier nails, keep in mind that small lifestyle adjustments are more effective than purchasing pricey nail care products.

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Hair care

Welcome to our blog about healthy hair

That you found our Healthy Hair Blog makes us very happy. 

You've found the best source for hair tips.

A bad hair day can happen to anyone! Is it not? Do the models' bouncy, voluminous manes in hair care advertisements often seem like far-fetched fantasies to you? We both think that most of them seem to go too far.

However, according to hair care experts, with the right hair care, the dream of having healthy hair might become a reality. In this article, you'll find a handpicked compilation of the best hair care advice.


1 Hair Care Dos

2 Hair Care Don'ts 

3 What Happens If You Don't Take Care Of Your Hair?


Hair Care Dos

1 Regularly wash your hair 

You can keep your scalp and hair clean and free of extra oil and grime by routinely washing your hair. Nevertheless, the appropriate frequency will vary depending on your hair type and preferences. Limit your washing to twice a week if you have excessively dry hair. Washing your hair every other day will assist if your scalp is oily.

2. Make use of chemical-free shampoos

You truly have no control over the environmental elements that harm your hair, but you do have control over the shampoos you use. The healthier your hair will be, the fewer chemicals there are in your shampoo. Choose gentle shampoos that are appropriate for your hair type.

In shampoos, sulfates and parables are used to lather and preserve hair, respectively. However, over time, these ingredients may irritate skin and raise the chance of hormone disruption.

3. Be in proper condition 

The chemicals in your conditioner help the hair fall straight and easily controllable. It shields your hair from heat styling and external aggressors. However, it should only be used on the hair's tips, never the scalp. Additionally, after application, be sure to fully rinse it off.

 4. Using natural hair dryer

That much is true. Your hair will be just as gorgeous after blow drying as your on-screen idol's. However, overheating your hair might harm the scalp. If you must style, keep it to significant occasions. The best option after shampooing is to air dry or towel dry. Never brush or sleep with wet hair. Your hair's cuticle can be harmed by vigorous towel rubbing. Take it easy.

5. Use the right hair oil

Oiling and massage the scalp before to shampooing increase blood flow there, calm your muscles, enhance shine, and nourish the hair. Additionally, it improves moisture levels, promotes hair development, and fixes split ends. Coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil, castor oil, and other options are available. Do not use mineral oil to your hair.

A Pro Tip

Apply heated oil to your head occasionally, then cover it with a towel to allow it absorb. Before shampooing, think about applying a mask to your hair to calm the cuticle. It aids in lowering friction created when applying shampoo to hair strands.

6. Make Use Of A Wide-Tooth Comb

Hair that is wet is brittle and prone to breaking. After letting your hair dry, brush it with a wide-toothed comb. Your hair won't get damaged if you use this type of comb.

7. How to Natural Hairstyle

Who could possibly dislike such lovely curls or waves? However, you may get these results without heating up your hair. As follows:

If you still want to use a curling iron, straightening iron, or blow dryer, make a first-time purchase of a decent heat-protective serum.

8. Consume extra water

The secret to having balanced, healthy hair is to stay hydrated on both the inside and the outside. Even if you use oils and other hydrating hair care products, drinking at least 3 litres of water each day will still keep your hair healthy.

9. Keep your hair cut.

Trim your hair every six to eight weeks to prevent split ends. Split ends appear when the hair is harmed by heat style, pollution, smoking, stress, and other things. After a trim, the hair does not magically grow more fast. Trimming ensures healthy hair even while scalp-level hair growth occurs.

10 Eat Healthily

As long as we write about hair care and skin care, we will continue to repeat the phrase "you are what you eat." Proteins and amino acids are used to make your hair. To thrive and maintain itself, it requires the proper nourishment. One of the many excellent foods for good hair is fish, green leafy vegetables, eggs, berries, almonds, and sweet potatoes.

11. Wear hats or hair caps

Sunlight can harm your hair just like it can harm your skin. Your hair may become dry, brittle, and damaged over time as a result of the harsh sun's ability to strip it of moisture. Wear hats outside to shield your hair from this harm. When in a pool, cover your hair with a cap. Your hair will suffer if you drink chlorinated water.

12. Make use of hair bands

We love to show off our open hair, but we do use hair bands to reduce the hair's exposure to potentially damaging environmental factors. Use cotton hair ties as opposed to plastic ones. When creating a ponytail or any other hairstyle, refrain from pulling your hair too tightly.

13. To dry, use an old t-shirt or a hair wrap.
This one is brand-new. You may dry your damp hair with your t-shirt without harming it. Traditional towels are hard on your hair's cuticles and gradually harm your hair. From now on, save those soft, worn-out t-shirts!

Hair Care Don’ts

1. Hot showers

Your scalp becomes dry and flaky after taking a hot shower because the natural oils are stripped from it. Your best option is to take a cold shower.

2. Stress

We can guarantee our lives that someone who has healthy hair is less anxious. Hair loss and poor hair can be caused by stress.

3. Chemicals

Your hair follicles are affected by chemicals used in hair dye, perms, and other hair treatments, which can also cause hair loss.

4. Products for Hair Styling

Long-term use of straighteners, curling irons, and blow dryers affects the texture of hair and makes it dry and brittle.

5. A Saltwater Hair Wash

The hair cuticle is harmed by salt water, which also irritates the scalp and tangles the hair. Pools with chlorine water should be avoided.

What Happens When You Don't Take Care Of Your Hair?

If you don't take care of your hair, it can eventually cease growing. Dandruff, hair loss, dryness, and dullness could slowly start to appear.

Ingrown hairs might result from a prolonged lack of hair cleaning. Yes, you heard correctly! They may also show up on the scalp. Additionally, you are attracting extra dust by not washing your hair for an extended period of time. Itching and hair loss might result from using the incorrect hair care products.

A Conclusion

You can therefore say goodbye to poor hair days by using chemical-free products designed for your particular hair type, eating healthily, avoiding heat styling, and following all the above advice! The most important thing is to see a doctor if you have severe hair loss and damage despite having a healthy hair care program. And whether you have hair or not, be happy with yourself.


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Skin Care


 A List of Beauty Tips You Didn't Know You Needed For Your Face

  Everything you need to know about getting healthy, radiant facial skin.

Do you wish you could have beautiful, radiant skin like in the commercials? Don't we all? With new products hitting the stores every day and limitless skin care advice appearing on our screens, we're struggling to find the perfect skincare routine. We all know the essentials, from drinking enough water to eating well, but what else can be done to obtain this immaculate texture? You don't need pricey lotions or hour-long procedures, but you do need to follow a few beauty recommendations.

When you don't have time for intrusive surgeries and treatments, it's crucial to have a few natural face beauty tips and tricks up your sleeve as a woman. Chemical-free products and a few natural beauty skin care techniques are all your skin requires, no matter what type it is. Then you put your faith in the procedure and let it work its magic on your skin.

Keep it simple.

  1. cleanser
  2. moisturizer
  3. sunscreen
  4. drinking water

   When you use enough products, you might sometimes have the nicest skin texture. Using too many cosmetics has also been linked to an increase in skin issues.

Let's take a look at some of the most important beauty tips for the face.

Make use of the proper cleanser.

When looking for new products, the most important thing to remember is to pay attention to your skin. You'll have to experiment to determine which one works best for you.

Don't forget to moisturize your skin.

Acne can be caused by a lack of moisture. As a result, the optimal times to moisturize are just after you get out of the shower and right before going to bed.

Always wear sunscreen.

Remember to apply SPF every time you go outside. Lack of sun protection can result in dullness, dryness, ageing, and pigmentation in the long run.

Keep yourself hydrated.

The importance of hydration for healthy skin cannot be overstated. Hydrate with water and electrolytes to avoid dry, itchy, and dull skin.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

Include a vitamin C serum in your morning regimen. Vitamin C lotions can also help protect your skin from UV damage and give you a more youthful, glowing appearance over time.

Exfoliate your lips and skin

Exfoliating once a week helps remove dead skin cells, but excessive exfoliation might cause your skin to respond with excessive oil production or breakouts. Lip exfoliation is equally vital because it results in softer, smoother lips.

Cool water is a natural cleanser.

When washing your face, use lukewarm or cold water. Hot water might open your pores and be too harsh for your skin at times.

What you should not do:

While there is a long list of cosmetic suggestions to follow for bright skin, it's also important to remember what we should avoid.

Use a limited number of products.

Keep your hands away from your face.

Sun exposure should be avoided at all costs.

Consume fewer fatty and carbohydrate-rich foods.

Tips for taking care of your face at home

All of these requirements may appear excessive to a novice. Allow us to assist you in kicking off your skincare routine at home in order to improve your face.

Enough sleep

Increased SPF

It turns out you require more SPF than you previously believed. SPF protects your skin from blue light from screens when applied at home.

Pillowcases that are clean

Make sure your pillowcases are clean and replaced at least once a week. A silk pillowcase can reduce friction between the pillow and your face, lowering your chances of developing acne.

Eat healthily.

Your skin and your food are inextricably intertwined. Your skin is affected by what you consume. For certain people, carbs and dairy might cause skin inflammation.

Face-care advice for on-the-go

When traveling, don't forget to take care of your skin. Most people (including us!) keep our skincare items in a separate bag. When you're on the go, here's what you should do! 

Must-haves for a trip

Wherever you go, remember to have your SPF and lip balm. They'll be useful at all times. (Don't forget to thank us!)

  • Sun exposure should be minimized.
  • Sunblock isn't always sufficient. If possible, wear a hat or sunglasses.
  • Remove the mask and wash it.
  • Remember to wash your mask every time you put it on, keeping the new normal in mind.

 One important skincare tip to remember for good skin is to keep your make-up brushes clean. Wash your concealer and foundation brushes once a week to avoid infection and blocked pores. Once a month is sufficient for brushes used around the eyes.

Here's how you do it: In the palm of your hand, put a drop of mild shampoo. Using lukewarm water, dampen the bristles. Then, using your palm, massage the bristles of the brush to disperse the shampoo throughout the brush. If the metal section of the brush or the base of the brush hairs get moist, the glue will soften and the bristles will fall out. Rinse the shampoo and wring off the excess water with a towel. To dry the brushes, lay them on their sides with the bristles dangling off the counter's edge.

As previously stated, you are exposed to a variety of skin care recommendations on a daily basis, whether through social media, articles, or word of mouth. Here are a few FAQs that may clear up any doubts you may have about face masks and home cures.


1. What drink can give my skin a healthy glow?

A. We refer to them as miracle juices. The greatest way to get glowing skin is to drink a glass of spinach, beetroot, or pineapple juice every morning. Mint or turmeric tea can also be consumed for good skin.

2. What should I drink first thing in the morning?

A. Drinking two to three tablespoons honey and lemon with lukewarm water can help your skin. Beet, pineapple, orange, and ginger juice can also be drunk.

3. Is it safe to put ice on your face?

A. Ice is beneficial to your skin, but you must follow certain procedures when using it. Ice can rapidly brighten your complexion, minimize puffiness under your eyes, and soothe acne. Apply ice to these regions by wrapping it in a small washcloth or handkerchief and gently massage it into the skin in small circular motions. Keep the ice on for no more than a minute.

4. Can we eat curd?

A. Without a doubt. Curd is high in vitamin D, a nutrient that has numerous health advantages for your skin. It's a great moisturizer and exfoliate that also lightens dark circles, tightens pores, and eliminates dullness and discoloration.

Finally, whether you have oily, dry, acne-prone, normal, or combination skin, it takes time and patience to understand your skin. As we've previously stated, you must experiment to see what works best for your skin. Trying to get beautiful, bright skin is nearly impossible because everyone has a defect or two. It's up to you to figure out how to deal with those issues. You do you, and you love and accept yourself at the end of the day.

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